Overhead Conveyor

Overhead conveyor is an application which wisely uses space on top to transfer products, while this will keeps the floor area clear. Overhead conveyor design can be very flexible, it can be design in inclined or decline way to convey the product to the desired location.


  • Great for multiple vertical product entry and exit points
  • Painting
  • Washing & drying
  • Automotive

Overhead conveyor is type of conveyor design which able to maximize space, sort, buffer, and distribute. It is one of the most economical methods of conveying while maximizing floor space.

Overhead conveyor systems are very adaptable since they maximize the availability of floor space while conforming to structural contours. Once installed, overhead conveyor systems can be easily modified for additional workstation, relocated equipment, or other revisions in the overhead conveyor paths. The design of chain overhead conveyor systems allow for the use of smaller processing equipment (tanks, freezers, ovens, etc.) and makes serving hard to reach production equipment more practical.

Overhead conveyor systems are designed ideally for long distances, sorting, buffering, and distribution. It offer high throughput and provide flexibility for complex track routing. Other features such as high speed transport, inclines/declines up to 90-degrees maximize its versatility.